Monday, September 28, 2009


In 1957 Gene Sanchez was part of a vocal group on their Junior High school in Manhattan they were know as The Five Spades and they never recorded,the next Gene's group was The Corvairs another unrecorded group.

In 1959, while at Seward Park High School in Manhattan Johnny Velez invited Gene to Lead The Enchantments; Eugene Sanchez(Lead,Pianist,Songwriter and Tenor),Johnny Velez(2nd Tenor),Angelo Maurino(Falsetto and Baritone),Victor Velez(1st Tenor and Lead) and Joffrey Green(Bass).

They signed Tony Cicinelli as their manager and in the early 1963 the group finally got an audition with producer Fred Castellano this liked the group and send the guys to Mercury Records but unafortunely the label not signed the group and Castellano decided to record The Enchantments on his own and sell the production to London,an international label.

So The Enchantments were taken off to the Bell Sound Studio where they cut five sides_I Love My Baby/Pains In My Heart(originally by The Dells)/Listen Lover/Thanks Mr. Magic Moon/Each Other Love. in 1964 the London company released the first two sides on the Ritz Records.

To Listen or Download please visit;

The recording give to the group life appearances at Bruce Morrow and Clay Cole Shows but in sales the record did nothing and with the arrival of The Beatles and the pre-vietnam war the label changed their musical releases and the group never recorded again and soon broke up.

Additional note;
The Enchantments back up to Angela Martin on their Ritz side_Second Chance. Angela was a Connie Francis type singer managed by Tony Cicinelly.

Unreleased Enchantment's sides are availables on Youtube...

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