Thursday, October 31, 2013


Carl Robert Iadicola, is an Italo American singer(he began singing at the age of 15. his back ground was opera, He loved Enrique Caruso, Mario Lanza and speciality, Tony Bennett. ) know as Bobby Carle, born in Fall River, MA., Jan. 9th 1926. served in World War II.

In 1958 with George Scott(Drums),Les Haslam(Guitar) and Carl Germaine(Sax) formed the group/band The Blendaires present in the doo wop guides as...


-Walk With Me/Anytime Anyplace Anywhere. Decca Records-1958.(B Side was a local hit).
-A Time To Love A Time To Die/I Couldn't Stand It. Decca Records-1958.
-I Got It Bad And That Ain't Good/Guaranteed. Decca Records-1959.

To Listen or Download_Guaranteed. please visit;

Or go to Youtube...

The group performed all over the United States and Canada.Carl passed a way in 1979 from heart failure at the age of 52.

1 comment:

  1. My mother was married to Teddy Rego from Fall River. He was a trumpet player and drummer and a member of The Blazers, the backup group for Bobby Carle post 1960. Wondering why there is no mention of this iteration of Bobby Carle's ensemble here.
