Saturday, November 9, 2019

TONY DEE & THE PAGEANTS...Du-Well records

Group from Newark, N.J. formed circa 1958 by Rocco Galante( Lead), John Albanese, Vince Luciano, Sammy Ventola and another guy only remembered as "Sibby".

Below is the original group with Rocco Galante in the center.

Thanks to Rocco.
In the summer of 1959 Bill Nielsen of Urania records signed the group but in this momment Rocco left and John Albanese recruited Tony "Dee" DuBella as their new lead singer. In this label the boys recorded "Saturday Romance / Vickie Lee" both written by Tony. But unafortunelly the label never released these two sides and later sold the masters songs of the group to Du-Well records who in 1961 release "Saturday Romance / Make You My Queen". as Tony Dee & The Pageants.

This recording was re-released in 1963 on the Arlen Label for some reason the great ending was cut off this press.


In the Urania records the group back up to Paul Kirk in yours 1959 sides "Long Ago / Ready Little Steady".


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