Thursday, October 23, 2008


David "Jay Black"Blatt and Marty "Sanders" Kuppersmith recorded one single in 1958 (Not present in the doo wop guides)for Atlantic Records as The Two Chaps with the sides_No More/Forgive Me.


Without success David on Lead and Marty on guitar and with Gary Kessler,Phil Horowitz,Eddie Robins and Richie Kaufman from the Flatbush and Bensonhurst sections of Brooklyn recorded as The Empires, Their first release in 1962 were "Times And A Place" on Epic Records.

After this release Jay and Marty left to join the already successful Jay & The Americans.the other members continued on recording as The Stagehands for T.A.Records and as The Squires for Congress Records.They also backed up Linda Lawrence,an original member of The Angels who had just left the group.

 They were then asked by Columbia Records to do backups for a new Columbia artist Dion Dimucci but unfortunately they never singing with Dion.


THE EMPIRES-A Time And A Place/Punch Your Nose.Epic Records-1962.

LINDA LAWRENCE with THE EMPIRES-At This Stage Of The Game/A Tear For Tommy.Epic Records-1963.

THE STAGEHANDS-Hello Dolly/You Started It.T A Records-1963.

THE SQUIRES-Joyce/Can't Believe That You've Grown Up.Congress Records.1964.


LINDA LAWRENCE with THE EMPIRES_At This Stage Of The Game...

THE EMPIRES_Time And A Plac...


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