Josie, Joanie and Audrey Kossol from Charleroi, P.A. In 1956 they were winners on Arthur Godfrey's Talent Scouts network television show.
And recorded for Epic Records as The Kossol Sisters...
-Kissin Cousins / Mr. Winter.
-While the Calliope Played / The Thrid Monkey.
The group were innactive for two years to enable the youngest, Joanie, to complete high school
Moved to New York City in 1959 and signed with Roulette Records and recorded as THE CASTLE SISTERS...
-Drifting And Dreaming /Lucky Girl-1959.
-Thirteen / Will You Love Me Tomorrow-1960.(mentioned in the Complete doo wop book).
-Dream / Light Of Love-1960.
In 1961 the girls recorded two singles for Triodex Records...
-Love Me /Bad Boy.
-Come With Me / Treasure Of Love.
Finally in 1962 the group moved to Terrace Records and recorded...

-Sailor Boy / Forgive And Forget Me.
-Goodbye Dad / Wishing Star.( mentioned in the Complete doo wop book).
-Mister Summer / Non,Monsieur.
-Are You Happy Now Mother? / Forgive Anf Forget Me.

-Goodbye Dad. charted # 100 nationally in the summeor of 1962.
See a live perfomance of the group From Glenn Miller Time TV show.
I am very familiar with the group "The Castle Sisters" - they are my aunts. They were born in a small town called Charleroi, PA and moved to NYC in the 1950's and recorded many singles there - "Goodbye Dad" ranked the highest, I think. They also went by "The Kossol Sisters" but I'm not sure which name came first.
After their brief singing career they turned to singing in their churches. One of the sisters actually passed away earlier this year but the other two are still singing and going strong. If you have any particular questions, feel free to e-mail me, but I hope this helped!
Hi, Christine. IO lost a solid rock I could lean on when Josie was born into eternity. She help me learn how to be a Minister to the sick. Audrey helps keep me on the straight and narrow these days.
Is there any way to get some of their performances (audio and video)?
God Bless...... Don (cathudfl@gmail.com)
I really want to know what has happened to Dulaney's restaurant and motel on US highway 40 where it crosses Youghiogheny lake. Is it still there? Or has it been renamed and redesigned as I really honor it to be the site of the Kossol Sisters farewell appearance in the eastern US before they left for Hollywood and movie career?
Please find out about the Dulaney's restaurant and motel and what has happened to it and what motel and restaurant has replaced it and please write me back about it as it is in an excellent summer and winter resort area near Garrett County Maryland. Thankyou so much!!
I am a close friend of Audrey, and only a few minutes ago, I was on the phone with her. We got to talk about her singing career with her sisters, and while we were on the phone, I did a search for The Kossol Sisters on YouTube, and lo and behold, I found 30 YouTube videos of their recordings. While I was listening, she gave me a running narrative about each song. What a wonderful way to start the day. She is mostly homebound now so if you have her contact information, please call her, you will make her day.
I am Mr. Christopher W. Clem of 63 years of age and in April 1971, my family drove right past Dulaney's restaurant where US Highway 40 crosses the Youghiogheny Reservoir in Southwestern PA. I live at 11206 First Avenue Northeast Seattle, WA so if you want to come over in the daytime, I will welcome you to talk to me about doowop music and the Castle Sisters as I am a real fan of them!!!!
I just watched the YouTube video of the MairzyDoats video. What are the middle songs they sing? I cant understand them and would love to know what they are. Also is there a way to get their music now? I love their sound!
It was the Medley.
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